Full Body Massage or Body to Body Massage?
Are you feeling stressed and need help relaxing? Getting a massage in Chelsea is the best way to rejuvenate yourself to get back to the daily grind. However, you might be confused whether to choose a full body massage or body to body massage. Below given is a low down of both these massage types so that you can make your choice.
Full Body Vs. Body to Body Rubdown
In a full body massage, a therapist will therapeutically massage the major areas of your body like, shoulders, back, feet, legs, neck and hands. You may choose to completely disrobe or wear your undergarments during the rubdown. This massage does not involve touching or stimulation of your private parts. So, a full body massage will simply focus on alleviating your stress and muscle aches.
In a full body massage, a therapist will therapeutically massage the major areas of your body like, shoulders, back, feet, legs, neck and hands. You may choose to completely disrobe or wear your undergarments during the rubdown. This massage does not involve touching or stimulation of your private parts. So, a full body massage will simply focus on alleviating your stress and muscle aches.

To put it simply, a body to body massage in Chelsea is a real treat for the gentlemen. The therapist excites and stirs feelings and hidden desires through her flexible and erotic movements. Once you have experienced this body rub, you will probably never enjoy regular full body massages again.
The erotic pleasures and relaxation offered by a body to body massage are incomparable. A full body massage can never equate the satisfaction that you get from total skin to skin contact. So, book your appointment in Chelsea today and allow yourself to be pleasured and pampered by a masseuse of your choice.
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