What is a Tantric Massage Like?

Tantra or tantric massage is much more than just a massage. It is an erotic whole body ritual that involves a lot of touching and worshipping of the entire body including the intimate parts. The massage naturally and consciously includes the sensitive parts of the recipient. Owing to the sensual nature of the bodywork, there are many prejudices surrounding this therapy. Also, some people believe that tantric massage is just another term for sex. However, this rubdown therapy does not include sex and it is all about the connection between the recipient and the giver.

How does the massage work?

Many receivers of tantric massage in High Street Kensington indicate that never before have they been touched and caressed so empathetically. There are also others who recount a long-lasting change in their attitude towards their sexuality and body. Getting a genuine tantric massage can free you from control, pressure and expectations, and help you discover a new you. 

In the hands of an experienced therapist, your sense of time will dwindle and boundaries will dissolve. Even old connotations of intimacy may change when you get to explore your body and know about your heightened senses. To put it simply, tantra massage helps people in gaining a deeper knowledge of themselves.

What can you expect during the massage?
  • Preliminary talk with your chosen therapist
  • Ritual worship and massage of your whole body whilst you are fully naked or your private part is covered with a small towel
  • Massage and respectful touch of your private parts
  • Exploration, as well as, stimulation of your genitals
  • Possible exploration of your own lustful nature or the things that turn you on
  • Time and space to allow you to cool down and reflect on the experience
A lot of people also experience multiple orgasms during the massage since the technique are erotic and sexually arousing. However, if you do not orgasm, there is nothing wrong in it. It might be that you are too exhausted or too nervous. It will get better with time.

So, if you are in and around High Street Kensington and need to blow off some steam, book an incall apartment with an experience tantric masseuse. You will also find agencies providing outcall services. Make a choice based on your convenience, but make sure that you have enough time to fully enjoy and immerse yourself in the experience.


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