Enjoy a Lavish Happy Ending Massage in Baker Street

In Baker Street, you will find the streets peppered with massage agencies offering myriad services like, tantric massage, Nuru massage, body to body massage, four hand massage and so on. However, if you ask around, you will quickly find out that the most popular massage is a happy ending massage in Baker Street. It comes as no surprise that the favourite part of this massage is the ending.

The entire purpose of a happy ending rubdown is to build up to the moment of sexually explosive and blissful release, also known as the happy ending. This massage is unlike any other erotic treatment that you might have experienced before. The treatment does not stop at making you feel great about yourself, but it takes you all the way and does not leave you hanging dry. The therapy is performed by trained massage therapists who have spent years mastering the technique of sensual tantric massage. Throughout the session, the therapists remain professional and do not entertain requests for sexual favours.

Contrary to popular belief, a happy ending massage is more than a handjob. The therapist soothes all the nerves and muscles in the body to take the recipient to the edge of climax. She works her way through to the top using her hands. The massage techniques used during this massage naturally and gradually lead to a happy ending.

So, the massage does not start right away with the therapist holding your phallus and stroking it. The therapist will take her time to get to know your body. She will carefully and slowly ease out the knots in the muscles of your back, shoulders, neck and other parts of your body. She will slowly take you to a state of trance and complete relaxation whilst implementing techniques that stimulate your senses. Once you are at the peak, she will slip her hand affectionately and firmly hold your phallus to help you let go.

A happy ending massage is not just a quick way to satisfy your carnal urges. It is an erotic experience that takes care of the entire body. Therapists take a lot of care and attention to make sure that all the desires and urges of the receiver are catered to.

If you are in or around Baker Street and looking for a quick release, try a happy ending massage.


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